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Profoto 50 Degree RFi Softgrid for 120x30cm Softbox

Цена 109,00 €
Цена со скидкой
Profoto Softgrids are compatible with Profoto softboxes. They will reduce light spread to 50°, resulting in a tighter and more precise area of light. This softgrid is sized to fit the 120x30cm Softbox.
    DescriptionTechnical specifications
    Profoto Softgrids are compatible with Profoto softboxes. They will reduce light spread to 50°, resulting in a tighter and more precise area of light. This softgrid is sized to fit the 120x30cm Softbox.

    Product Specification

    For use with Profoto Softbox
    Size 120x30cm
Дизайн и поддержка: Xprint media.