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Profoto Clic Dome

Sales price 39,00 €
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The Profoto Clic Dome diffuses the light to deliver a smooth and crisp lighting effect. It is super user-friendly as it features a click-on-and-off magnetic mount. The dome is also stackable with compatible light shaping tools to unleash your creative freedom.
    DescriptionTechnical specifications
    The Profoto Clic Dome diffuses the light to deliver a smooth and crisp lighting effect. It is super user-friendly as it features a click-on-and-off magnetic mount. The dome is also stackable with compatible light shaping tools to unleash your creative freedom.

    Profoto Clic Dome Key Features:

    • Compatible with Profoto C1 Plus, A1X and A1
    • Light is diffused for a soft and crisp lighting effect
    • Offers a smooth and natural fall-off
    • Very user-friendly thanks to the click-on magnetic mount
    • The dome is stackable with compatible light shaping tools

    Product Specification

    For use with Profoto C1 Plus, A1X, A1
    Type Diffuser
Дизайн и поддержка: Xprint media.